How to use in restricted mode

This page will explain you on how you can run this plugin in restricted mode. You can use this method/mode to avoid losing your data, if you have concerns about the same while using this plugin.

Restricted mode means, you will be using this plugin only for viewing/partially managing your tasks. That is, this plugin can do both monitoring and editing your tasks. But you can only use it for monitoring your tasks and for editing them you have various other options to quicly edit them, but it will be through the Obsidian editor, as usual.

Currently, the default way of editing your tasks is through the Edit Task Window. But you also have following other options using the Edit button mode setting as explained below :

  • Open note in new tab : If you use this option, then on clicking the edit button will open the note of your tasks in a new tab.
  • Open note in right split : This option will help you to open the note in the right side of your current obsidian view.
  • Open note in hover preview : In recent versions, Obsidian has introduced the hover preview editor feature, using which now you can directly edit your notes from the hover preview itself. But still I personally like the Hover Editor plugin, which goes perfectly with most of the workflows.

So, instead of choosing the default option for this setting you are free to use any one of these setting and edit your tasks manually to ensure your data is safe and intact.

You can use the Edit Task window feature, by first testig it on your dummy tasks and after you feel that this plugin is not going to brake your tasks, you can make it as your default editing option.