Editing A Task
There are two ways to edit the old content of your task.
The obvious method is directly editing from the markdown file, explained in detail here : Edit Task from File.
But using the Edit Task Window, you can easily edit the task without opening the parent markdown file.
How to use the window
This features allows you to directly edit the content of the tasks from the board. You don’t have to open the parent markdown file of this task to edit it. The changes will be reflected in the markdown file.
Step 1 : Click on the Edit Icon button to open the Edit Task Window.
Step 2 : Now Edit any field you want from the specific input field. You can also add values to the empty fields, add description or add more sub-tasks.
Step 3 : Remember to press save button after you have made the changes.
Understand all the features of this window from here : Edit Task Window