Metadata Format

Task Board supports different types of formats to add the metadata to your tasks.

Metadata includes :

  • Due date.
  • Time duration.
  • Priority.
  • Tags.
  • Completion time-date.

More properties coming soon…

Compatible Plugin Format

You can choose one of the following options in the Task Board setting to keep the format of metadata globalized throughout your vault. You can see the supported format and the corresponding plugin option from below table :

Plugin/Setting option Due date Time duration Priority Tags Completion time-date
Task Board (Default) πŸ“…[2024-10-31] ⏰[21:10 - 23:10] ⏫ #test βœ… 2021-10-31T21:52:22
Tasks πŸ“… 2024-10-31 ⏰21:10 - 23:10 ⏫ #test βœ… 2021-10-29
Day Planner Any 09:00 - 10:00 (At the start of the task) Any #test Any
Dataview [due:: 2024-10-31] Any [priority:: highest] * #test [completion:: 2021-10-31T21:52:22]
Obsidian Native @due(2024-10-31) Any Any #test @completion(2021-10-29)
  • You also have the option to mix these formats with one another. For example, say you dent like to see the emojis for priority, you can use other format, and that will still work.
  • Any mean, for this field, you can use any type of format from that column, for the specific plugin/setting option you have selected.

*Under Development